The WYBMN team has been hard at work launching the project. Events have included Laughter Yoga at Pier Park in August 2024, a Community Café at Waves during Homelessness Action Week in October 2024, and a community survey on belonging in the fall of 2024. We were thrilled that 102 people completed the survey, with 61.5% expressing interest in getting involved!
Everyone listening intently to local resident and Yogi Helen Spencer before the laugher began!
New West Record article “Will You Be My Neighbour aims to spark relationship-building in New West”
NWHCS board chair Jack York, Mark Boardman from minivillage, and part of the WYBMN team Angelene, Cristina, Betina and Lola.
What’s On the Horizon for Will You Be My Neighbour?
In the new year, we will continue to do outreach to the community. This will also include hosting a Belonging Open Mic. (Details TBC) and the launch of a downtown asset map.
Want to get involved. Reach out to the team.
The WYBMN project is being undertaken as a communication, engagement and involvement strategy connected to the CNW Homelessness Action Strategy, and supports the CNW Community Belonging and Connecting priority.